
Sprout Organics - Buy One Get One Coupon Inside!

Sprout Organics has amazing new snacks for toddlers and babies to enjoy

By Macaroni Jacqui, Publisher of Macaroni Kid South Brevard, FL April 17, 2018

Growing up, my family and I ate what we could get our hands on. I remember sitting around the table after school with my brothers as each of us were handed a piece of bread. I pretended mine was strawberries. My brothers *probably* made believe theirs was something like Pop Tarts...or Pop Rocks. #NoJudgment 

It took some time for my parents to get into the healthy and organic route, but what a difference it made in our behavior and health as growing kids! Now that I have my own beautiful little princesses, I truly want what is best for them. 

But we have a problem here. 

I hate cooking. I hate puree-ing (is that even a word?). I really enjoy unwrapping pre-portioned food and handing it to my babes since I am always on the go. Unfortunately, a great portion of pre-packaged food is extremely unhealthy and pumped with hormones, preservatives and other damaging chemicals. I can't give that to my babes!

Sprout Organics is truly the bomb. I had the honor of receiving a nice box filled with their products in exchange for this review - and trust me, these opinions are 100% my own. You can tell by my Jacqui-isms. 

Sprout Organics is a maker of wholesome, organic baby and toddler food products, including ready-to-eat purees and snacks. They were actually the very first brand to launch baby food in a pouch! That fun fact is super cool and makes me extremely happy to support a #TrailBlazer and #PathFinder. 

Their pouches are a HUGE hit with both my girls! They incorporated their new Plant-Powered Protein line into their pouches, meaning they are dairy-free and vegan friendly. Mind blown! They have over 20 plant powered purees and snacks. Check em out! The two newest flavors in Stage 2 are Butternut Blueberry Apple with Beans and Carrot Chickpea Zucchini Pear. Both of which my one year old loved!

Sprout recipes are made only with real, honest and pure ingredients that are USDA certified organic and non-GMO. Me being the Essential Oils lover that I am, I was thrilled to find out they use organic rosemary to help maintain product freshness. No other brands use this! 

The Sprout Organics Curlz were by far the love of little Anaiah's life! #LilBitty almost demolished one entire can on her own in one day! Fortunately I caught her running off with her big grin and can of Spinach Curlz into the kitchen. By the way, did you catch that? SPINACH Curlz. That she chose to sneak off with. #WIN Look at my older girl manhandling these things:

Well, great news for you! Sprout has a fantastic BUY ONE GET ONE offer for us Mac Kid readers! Head on over here to claim this deal.

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