
A Taste of Melbourne's 13th Annual Chocolate Festival

A Chocolate Lover's Paradise

By Macaroni Jacqui March 7, 2017

Once upon a time, a pregnant lady thought she was in labor for 3 hours. For 3 hours, she stayed in the hospital with a slight chance of hope that her week "overdue" baby would finally arrive. 

This lady is me, friends. Yes, a tear jerking story, I know!

However, this saddening experience lead me to go online and see that this 13th Annual Chocolate Festival was taking place, and yippe-yo-yi-yay, by golly I decided to go! If I'm going to be overdue and my baby won't come out, I am going to eat chocolate dangit!

So my Mom, 2 year old daughter (Jaelle/#TheYoloBaby) and my preggo self decided to go. It was tricky at first - the line to get in took about 45 minutes. I believe this is because upon arrival, you immediately get a tray and go through a line of the competing vendors to get their competing Chocolate Art (I like to call it that...because, look below).

The line to get through was a bit tough to swallow for some people, but not for a preggo like myself. My 2 year old daughter did a great job waiting too! And good job, Mom, you big girl you! ;)

Either way, you get this fun tray of deliciousness and then proceed to sample them all. With the tray, each guest is also given a ballot for notes/ranking purposes. They even had electric voting stations! Pretty cool!

Included with admission was a Chocolate Buffet (with a chocolate fountain) and a food station with empanadas, pulled pork sandwiches, and delicious finger foods of various sorts. There was a kiddie station to decorate cupcakes, get some popcorn and snacks and a few other goodies as well!

Admission was $25/person, and I'd say it was well worth it. Funds went to local scholarships, community service projects and Zonta Club of Melbourne campaign against human trafficking. Remember, this is not only a GREAT cause to support as well as a fundraiser for the community, but this was also a community experience that was highly enjoyable!

All this to say, you will see me there next year ;)

And my babies!