
Science with Skittles

Learn while Playing

August 24, 2016
Try a DIY Science Project at home that your kids will LOVE and that literally takes minutes! It happens so quick, you won't want to turn around! All you need are three simple ingredients:

1. Skittles
2. A bowl - a white one makes this more fun
3. Warm water

Be a nice parent and make sure that water isn't boiling! That's just straight up mean...

Pour about 1/2 an inch of the warm water into the bowl, then add the Skittles around the edge. Be sure to watch, as they dissolve very quickly! 

The colors are just so beautiful - have your kids enjoy themselves setting the Skittles in different patterns to see what pretty designs they can create!

And remember - you can deem this as science! I don't know exactly why or how...but Google it. It's science I tell ya!